Will you sign my book?
Signed books are back due to popular demand, and let me tell you... we are beyond excited to offer signed books once more. They are listed as a separate product in the store. J.R. And I love nothing more than to personalize copies, so that each one is unique and one-of-a-kind.
Signed and Annotated books will be done in batches when we have the space in Sunshine to cary them.  You can pre-order your personalized copy and we will sign it in the next batch. 
How much time do you spend annotating a book?
More time than I should...2-3 hours. More if you write me a really nice note that tugs on my heartstrings. Annotating books is my pleasure...I mark up every single page and make each one a new work of art. 
Are you releasing OisO as an ebook?
For the moment, no. It’s exclusive to paper and ink.
When was Orange is Optimism released? 
Orange is Optimism came off the press and into the world of fine, unrefined literature on December 14th 2016. She’s our two pound, hardcover, colorful little baby!
Are you still on the road?
Yes...In fact, we’re out on some backroad as you read this. It’s probably dirt. Sunshine is our home, and we travel full time, year round. Check our Instagram or Facebook to see where in the world we are now.
Where do you shower?
It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it’s usually at a truck stop.
Who are Kit and J.R.?
If you know us as James and Rachel, then we love you. If you know us as Kit and J.R., same. Four names, two people. Simple as that. 
What is Sunshine’s last name?
Love Bus.

In Search of Freedom

Orange Is Optimism